「猫は頭が入れば通り抜けられる」のか?If a cat’s head passes, the body also passes?
Blog: http://sisinmaru.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maruhanamogu/
「猫は頭が入れば通り抜けられる」のか?If a cat’s head passes, the body also passes?
Blog: http://sisinmaru.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maruhanamogu/
This was actually surprisingly instructive. Cats are so wonderful. But Maru is clearly smarter than Hana :/ she is the athletic type.
Arigato Cat I actually thought the opposite ,Hana saw the space was to narrow so he was smart enough to jump and showed Maru the alternate way. But either way I couldn’t stop laughing. And by the way have a good day!
Clever Hana knew it was quicker to go up & over. Maru was too lazy to jump until he absolutely had too! I think he just thought it was a box to enter!
Hana – if Maru can fit, you certainly can.
I figure Maru’s boxophilia means he has more experience getting into tight spaces than Hana does
まるさん強引グマイウエイw 頭が入ってもおしりでつかえてたけどww
How bizarre! Of course, the most plausible explanation is that he’s all fluff, liquid, and determination. He doesn’t need the collapsible ribs that rats use to climb up toilets.
Hana: I see you’re hips are causing access issues again.
Maru: I. Can. Do. It………. There! Ta-da! Ummmm…..it was already damaged when I started.
Hana: Of course it was…..
Maru: Stop laughing!
ひなの 優しさを一瞬感じましたが、板だとまるのお尻が抜けない可能性を思って一瞬笑ってしまいました。
Mugomogu has come up with something really great. Thank you. Both were very challenged. Maru remembers his craftsmanship skills and lo and behold, the little Hana 3:17 surprises us and comes with her jump on the other side. And this time even the big brother learns something from her 6:34.
Maru’s mind is actually amazing. He’s aware of his surroundings. The moment the hole got too tight for him, he immideately understood that and didn’t even bother trying.
It was so delightful watching
Maru and Hanna! They make my day they’re so funny thank you for your fine video !
Very cute
I remember an old song: can’t go through it, can’t go under it, can’t get around it, got to go over it!
The bear hunt? It’s sung as Tigerjakten (the tiger hunt) in Sweden.
據說貓咪是以鬍鬚來測量通道的寬度 但是實驗證明” 不適用於MARU”
Be Water Maru
Maru – by force!!!
Oops, I might have over done the brute force!
@Tomboy Chick But at least Maru would have a cardboard collar!!
Heyyy NO cheating allowed Maru&hana Bad kitties
6 cm??? Frauchen spinnt doch Haben die Zwei gut gemacht!
Hennrita47 Didn’t need German to understand.
諦めた瞬間、はなちゃんさすがです。まるちゃんは根性で挑んでますね(*≧▽≦)きっと、はなちゃんは今回、諦めが早かったのかなまるちゃんは、好奇心旺盛で狭い箱で僕に不可能はないと思ってますね(*´ 艸`)
Perhaps Maru just wants to go t-h-r-o-u-g-h so badly that he is willing to put in great effort to make it work. Haha doesn’t seem to mind how she passes so long as she does. I think Maru enjoys the challenge. (I noticed that Maru used his front paws to jump over this barrier unlike the slow-mo large box video where he did not. Maybe this barrier is taller than the big box??) Fun video, thanks Mugumogu!
(関西弁と言うよりも、大阪弁で...)またまた、笑わっしょんなぁ...まる「こう見えても、実は細いんだから、失礼な事しないでいでくれる」 はな「ほんとよねぇ...えっ、まだ、するの..余裕よ」 まる「ほんとにね...余裕...えっ、まだなの...」 はな「もうこの辺でやめとく...通れるけどね...」 まる「えい! えい!! 余裕余裕...あれ、壊れてる!(心の声)」 最後、はなちゃんの頭より、まる君の頭の方がほんの少し、実は小さかったりして... 笑 でも、猫の触覚のひげが8割方くらい通れば、体も余裕の通り抜けですよね... それから、最後の同居人様の疑問...まる君にとっては、ある意味、大きな箱なんですよ...部屋全体が...笑
Hahahahahah where there’s a will, there’s a way!
8:04 “hooman, what have you done?” look…
Maru is super smart. He was trying to work out how to remove the entire structure.
Maru isn’t a cat he’s an octopuss
Haha maru is so funny…Hana so adorable.
「縦がダメなら横にしてみな」 まる
I just want to give Maru the biggest hug ever !!!!!
Maru Superfan xxxxxxx
How old is Maru?
The funniest experiment I have seen. Maru learned from Hana: jump! But Maru never gives up.
He had to try brute-forcing it first. That’s just the way he is!
Hana success by ingenuity
Scientific proof that cats are liquid