「猫は頭が入れば通り抜けられる」のか?If a cat’s head passes, the body also passes?
Blog: http://sisinmaru.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maruhanamogu/
「猫は頭が入れば通り抜けられる」のか?If a cat’s head passes, the body also passes?
Blog: http://sisinmaru.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maruhanamogu/
Maru likes challenges. Hanna is more practical
Amazing cats, amazing filmaker. This was funny, suspenseful, surprising. Hana is bad ass and smart. So cool the way she just jumped over the barrier effortlessly. Maru is the most interesting cat in the world. He so smart, the way he was surveying the entire structure, almost measuring and2looking for weaknesses so he could squeeze through another way.
Maru proves something that I’ve suspected for a long time: that cats are made of rubber….
That Tigger! Their tops are made out of rubber, their tails made out of springs! Their bouncy, bouncy, fun, fun, fun! The most wonderful thing about Tigger’s is there’s only one!
From the vault challenge, Maru is well aware that he is able to jump over the gate, but of course he’d rather do it his way. Maybe remove the barrier 2:48? At 5 cm he understood the futility of even trying, so he jumped over. Even when Mugo offered a way to go under, he hesitated….Way too easy!
Mugumogu creates imaginative experiences for Maru & Hana, and in the process enriches the lives of their global fans.
I laughed when Hana cheated.
Amazing, Maru, champion of boxes, still gets through. Hana, not box champion, figures out other ways, lol
…because Maru is more determined and stubborn, looks around at any given object, studies it, and tries everything! He is not stupid Hana, who is only there for the food.
omg I LOL’d when Maru just bullheaded his way into them!
wow Maru has human-like intelligence – he understands a challenge and loves solving it. Yes, he can jump too, that’s not the solution though and he knows it. But what’s really funny is how everybody in the comments jumped to defend Hana’s failure to think of turning her head sideways. Speaks volumes about our current culture of “everybody is a winner” … as though the cats actually cared.
Muy gracioso el video.
😅😅😅Hana such elegant style! Maru you are a little Hulk! Love you both 😻😻🤗🤗❤️❤️
Everyone: No cat could possibly get through 6cm.
Maru: Hold my beer…..
The bonus track are hillarious and adorable 😄😍
Poor cats 😂
Maru changed the opening configuration at 6cm from vertical to horizontal to ease his passing through. But at 5cm, he’s had enough, he just jumped. I thought he would not be able to jump that high as Hana because of his size, but I was wrong.
Maru bum so cute.
Maru fits because he can bend time and space.
Nice jump Hana. Loved it
Maru: “I’m not chubby I’m just fluffy” confirmed.
💜Maru and Hana!! They made it look easy.
Read a story about a cat named “Petronius the Arbiter,” and his Servant said that he always tried to get a “cat strainer” built and installed. (About 2:00 or so, Maru really “explained” the phrase for me!)
Hana and Maru have one wacky owner!
If it were a solid opening I think you would find neither of they can get through a space narrower than their whiskers. Or so I’ve heard.
Brilliant and fascinating 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
Maru has a PhD in Boxology
Maru has all that practice with too small boxes. 😀
ポッチャりさんですね( Ö )
I love Maru’s butt and Hanna’s big belly! 😂😻💕👍
Maru is the water
I think Maru’s success with the narrow openings is because he’s used to squeezing himself into tiny boxes.
Maru knows to turn his head sideways to get through.
🤣 Oh my gosh Maru such a smart cat! His never give face and attitude are adorable. 😼
I like how Hana at 7cm looked and decided: “I will jump over it!” at 3:14min. Although on her way back she tried to return through the hole. She gave up and jumped over it again.
ただ、面白いお顔になったら嫌だという乙女心から回避したのよ きっと。
まるさんはひたすら面白い( ^∀^)
Fluffy Maru is simply amazing!!! He is such an inspiration to keep on going and pushing through. Maru has the:”I can do it!” attitude.