「猫は頭が入れば通り抜けられる」のか?If a cat’s head passes, the body also passes?
Blog: http://sisinmaru.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maruhanamogu/
「猫は頭が入れば通り抜けられる」のか?If a cat’s head passes, the body also passes?
Blog: http://sisinmaru.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maruhanamogu/
Maru is such a determined kitty! I think we can all learn a thing or two from him. lol
The fact that Maru fit through at the end when Hana didn’t, basically shows that Maru is determined and stubborn. Some cats might seek and find an alternate way to defeat the obstacle, while others might do whatever it takes (even if it causes pain, or involves getting stuck) to get through (or in.) Sometimes a cats curiosity is a good thing, sometimes, not so much. In your two cats cases, they both figured out a way to succeed in getting from one room to the other, whichever way they felt was best, or even in their individual mind, easiest. Bravo to both of them for showing their intellectual prowess. However, don’t blame Maru if he thinks you’re trying to body shame him. He is such an adorable and handsome furry pudgeball. And Hana is also a beautiful furball.
for science!
I’m surprised that Hana didn’t get through the same narrow gap that Maru did as Hana isn’t as fat. Having said that, I think Maru got through the gap by turning it sideways which made it easier to get his head through whereas Hana didn’t consider that option so jumped right over. Delightful vid- thanks for sharing <3
I suspected it all along, now it’s proven. Hanas head is thicker than Marus.
So cute! Hana was like, “Uh, let me think about it (at the end). Um no! I have a better idea. I’ll jump over my obstacle.” Maru is always such a trooper! Maru! Such a sweet boy! At the end, Maru knows that now he has to jump. He is so intelligent! HANA is more wary of the tight spot because she is aware of her size. Maru, tries because he probably thinks he is the size of Hana. Also, he knows he is a bad ass and can do anything. LOL!
枠 外れとるがな笑笑 かわいい♪(/ω\*)
Maru, you are the Jerry Lewis of cats! Thank You! I needed this today😘
we hope mugumogu can sign in weibo or bilibili because we are hard to reach YouTube…
Look at that fluffy butt, LOOK AT THAT!!!
Funny and graceful kitties. (Those jumps are really impressive!)
Use rigid plates next time
I can answer why Maru kept trying…it was easier to him than jumping would have been…? I laughed so hard at him going through that one! Thanks for sharing the test with us! U got a new subber out of this! 🤣😻
「 木村多江と言うよりも、新人バ
Bucky says: ‘I laughed so much..’
I think Hana’s problem solving is very interesting.. why squeeze when you can jump! Maru in the meantime just love to squeeze into boxes.. the house is like a big box..thru the cat door. Seriously Maru is all fluff.. or is it blob?
I see you have a fish! I would love to see a video of it. I thought Maru was going to take down the “sizer” when it was at 7 cm. I really like the way Hana navigated the 7 cm, by jumping over it. Success! lol Maru made it through the 6 cm, but only because the cardboard would bend, allowing the pathway to enlarge. I really thought he was going to push down the sizing part since it was not secured at the top and sides. I wondered why Maru did not jump over the 6 cm. But the 5 cm he did not even attempt to go through, while showing me he CAN jump over. haha I think maybe Hana just did not like putting her pretty face through the 6 cm because of how it felt, too tight, too much pull on her skin. Hahaha Bonus track it looked like maybe Maru wanted to keep trying to get through! I like the stand you built.
Those are some crafty nekos. 😸
lol i love how hana is a bit skittish and rushes it, and maru just barges on through like whatever this is a box, boxes are kinda my thing it’ll be fine
Maru during bonus track: If all else fails – bite it.
Maru 8 cm Quizz me please 😂😂😂😂
maru is debu
Finally jumped
staple gun or glue gun needed. If the insert stayed in place it would have been different for them. Also, Maru has spent his life squeezing himself into small square boxes, so he tries harder.
1:18 明らかに困惑してる……笑