


ファーミネーター 大型猫 長毛種用 https://amzn.to/2vQtDdn


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Qűęęń ÐMÇ

My 9 (or so 🤔) month old kitten purrs sooo loud. It doesn’t always happen but if I scratch him long enough he rolls on his back and looks at me upside down and purrs. It’s the cutest thing in the world, especially when I brush him. I get cat hair in my eyes and a cutely-happy kitten. 😻
Dream come true! 😂

Ren RN

Ah, if only my cat would sit still enough to be brushed in peace like this. 😧

Guys, please check out Wonderpao. He’s super cute. 😁💕

Cam and Minnepeg

I love mine but I have to warn everyone who’s never used one: you can brush them until they’re bald and they won’t do anything to tell you you’ve gone too far.

My first winter deshed on my short hair I did just this-I groomed a bald patch on his back. Go gently.

Sorrel Gillard

I use the furminator on my medium haired cat and our Blue Heeler as they both have fairly thick coats

Klara G

JIN cats already produce gas. It’s a well timed static “zap” that they need to be careful of 🐈💨💥☄️🧯

Lock Shock Barrel Kitten chronicles

Fairy Tail no their fur is designed to release as a safety defense so it comes out pretty easy . My bff is a groomer and she warned me about it

Ellie W

Cam and Minnepeg well you obviously don’t know many breeds of cats that shed more than husky. I had A few Persians and Birmans. They do have problems with hairballs they actually have to be on a certain diet with fibers in their food so they don’t get clogged up and they don’t throw up a lot of hairballs. They do have a lot of under coats and it doesn’t really pull the furs. I have to brush them twice a day for 30 min each and when I use brushing gloves and ferminstor it cuts down the time and it’s not piercing sharp like the other brushes on the market. They never really become bold when they have no more fur to shed and they do shed tremendously. And it’s much longer hair that tangles than those of most dogs. And they do let me know if they don’t like it or feels any discomfort. If you’re pulling their fur they would run away. You should get to know more about many breeds of cats. I’ve had dogs too and they do shed but they don’t shed like cats and they do clean them selves, which cause the hairballs issues.

chisoo is jicken

Thank you for this video! Ive always wanted a full video of cats being brushed by furminator

Michele Conley Eckert

Question When was the last time you brushed him??
2 of my kitty’s are too fat to groom themselves, also this would. make them Super happy!!!!
Amazon/Walleymart here i come!

ика пупыка 02

Я надеялась, потом покажут что с этим кошачьим пухом делать. )))

Nabila Rizkina Putri

Lmao, i legit thought that there was another cat on the thumbnail. It turns out that it was the cat’s fur 😅😅🤣


I HAVE 3 CATS all 3 love the furminator … but i get so much more off of my short hair cats then i do long hair then i deal with my 2 huskies XD which is why i bought the brush


Does anyone know how to get their cat comfortable with combing their belly? I’ve had my rescue for a year and she still won’t let me comb her underside (even gently!) 😭 great video though, ur cats are beautiful ❤️❤️



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