


ファーミネーター 大型猫 長毛種用 https://amzn.to/2vQtDdn


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tetsuya tomiyama

100万視聴突破おめでとうございます! これからも楽しい猫&DIY動画が見られますように!!

Fairy Xox

I need this for my cat. He has been shedding a lot lately because he is getting his summer coat and his fur gets everywhere in my room.


I have a question. When using a comb like that, does it forcibly remove/pluck the cat hairs or just brushes away excess and loose fur? Is it bad to do that to your cat often?

Rebecca Mitchell

It brushes excess but if done too frequently or too much in the same spot it can start pulling fur.


So, that where their nine lives coming from. Brush some more you could get 8 more fur cats out of it. 😂

Lex Goss

Just so everyone is aware you should definitely NOT furminate your animal for this long- the teeth are actually sharpened to help get all that fur out- so they are basically blades- so if you are to brush them for more than 15 minutes in one spot then this will result in brushburns on the animals skin!!!!!!

Lex Goss

So even if they still are shedding you have to stop which is why the best thing for shedding is to give the animal a bath with furminator shampoo and conditioner and blow them out – which obviously isn’t possible for all animals but just a bath helps so much besides being brushed after the bath too

Fridays Child

They can get to the point where they realise that you’re basically just a harmless human pet they have conquered 😂 my cat loved me to give her belly scritches.

On a sadder note I have a cat when I was around 13 and she started developing an infection with small pus filled holes…I don’t remember what the vet told us it was, but everyday I would come home from school, turn her around put her on my lap and squeeze out the pus, pack it with medicine. I don’t remember being particularly gentle and I was very through in getting the pus out. She was a young cat, about a year old, but she would look into my eyes with absolute trust even though she hated it and it hurt her, she never made a sound or hurt me. Now 2 decades later I realise how rare a cat she was.

Britney Bain

To be removing shed hair like this for an animal, it’s so satisfying!😍
But if it were a human losing this much hair……. it’s distressing😟


Furminators come with a little plastic cover that clips onto the blade. My cats have the same reaction to me unclipping that cover that they do to the sound of a can of cat food being opened. They’ll come running from the other side of the house to be furminated.


Wish my cat would let me brush him like that! He’s not long haired but it’s very thick, and gets everywhere. When ever I try to brush him he just tries to bit me >.<

Marta Peterson Womack

Utterly charming video. You have one laid back kitty. I once had a cat that would’ve clawed your face off before sitting still for any of that brushing business.

Ebiinu H.

Did I really sit here and watch a cat be be brushed for nearly 5 minutes?
Thanks YouTube. I needed this.


Wow, I have a dog who desperately needs this brush! Is your cat always that chill, or does s/he have to be caught in the right mood? Also, love you choice in music, but a little disappointed that I didn’t see any credit given for its source.



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