


ファーミネーター 大型猫 長毛種用 https://amzn.to/2vQtDdn


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Crystal Price

Kitty cat to groomer, “ Hey, hey, hey! I said to take off my dead ends not everything! Love the chin massage though, keep it up.“


Imagine those fine fur is everywhere in the house after a few hours vacuuming.it is a fine fur so sometimes we didnt see it on the floor and spread to furniture due to its being light. Seeing the fur properly combed out are refreshing.plus, the cat wont have to vomit hairball as often. Niceeee

svetlana devic

Your cat is amazing! I wish I could brush mine like that, but she absolutely hates it! Any tips? And the Furminator works awesome!


Every spring, I brush this kind of hair from my Sarah….it’s the winter coat….if you get it out as much as possible, it’s that much that doesn’t go through their system. 🙂 Keep going!!!

Truth of the matter

But don’t these brushes not only pull the old fur out but cut their fur? I have one I use on my Lab but not sure I’d want to do that to a long furred animal


Omg it’s almost painful to see him remove the hair off the furminator with his hand! Just press on the grey button a couple times and it completely remove the hair from the tool. Otherwise you’re just kicking up more hair into the air and making a bigger mess.
Just a helpful tip 🙂

Ideoform Sun

That cat would make a nice sweater.
Imagine trying to do all that with your cat tongue.
This cat should have a tunnel made out of brushes to go through.

Darth Vader

Holy Shit😳I so need this for my cat, she’s not that long haired but it might do better then the comb I got

Jill Padelford

I have a shelter cat that “didn’t like to be brushed.” Apparently they were doing it wrong. Miss kitty demands to be brushed daily, usually when I’m brushing my hair.

Linda Thrall

A very neat way to groom a large cat in removing the excess hair and preventing trouble later on

Candis Carnegie

Anytime I see a video of a long hair cat being brushed it makes me rethink my decision of wanting a Ragdoll cat. That is a long hair cat that requires a lot of grooming, combing, and brushing. I wonder what would happen if you used the Furminator for a week on the cat in the video. Would you still get the same amount of hair each time?


Okay I got a cat with way longer hair and his hair is also very fine and thin. But he won’t let me fuckin brush him. I have to hold the ass hole down a bit to brush him. He will only tolerate about 5-10 minutes before he puts up a fight instead of just unhappy kitty noises. Which is when I let him go cause I don’t want either of us hurt. I don’t know what to do but the hair is EVERYWHERE

Ballistic Bee

What a patient cat! I’ve tried the furminator on my three cats and only one of them will not go into a ball of teeth and claws for at least 3 minutes of brushing at best.

another swan

a new take on the term ‘fur baby’ ! what a beautiful cat to stay like that for you. only one of my three cats actually enjoys being groomed. I’ll have to get a furminator I think.

matthew boyko

Wish our cats were as content as this one while being brushed lol. With our one year old kitten penny you would lose some blood, and possibly a limb after the second stroke

Alicia Arnette

I have a furminator for my cat but the only brush he likes is my personal boar hair brush so sometimes we share

Adrienne Lee

Speaking as a groomer: the Furminator is great for short-haired pets that shed… just don’t overdo it or you’ll create bald spots. It will cut the hair on longer coats. Best tool to deshed a long-haired pet? A fine-toothed comb. But I’m impressed with how calm the cat was, and how gentle his owner was, too!



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