スリムなプラケースで寛ぐときは隙まる方式で。Maru is relaxed in the slim plastic case.
Maru&Hana’s instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maruhanamogu/
スリムなプラケースで寛ぐときは隙まる方式で。Maru is relaxed in the slim plastic case.
Maru&Hana’s instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maruhanamogu/
Fact: Maru is a liquid.
Behold, I will enter this box.
I feel very cozy and completely exposed at the same time.
The way of Box holds many mysteries.
No cat in the world is better than my cat … except for Maru.
Maru Fandom, Day 2452: Maru has reached an inconsiderate level of weirdness and oddball-ery. Am unable to comprehend his contorted actions to the degree that my own feeble daily choices feel at once trivial and insane by comparison. Readjusting squee levels to compensate. Over and out.
Maru in liquid state
Seriously this is my favourite YouTube channel. What does that say about me???
He’s like water….he fits into anything.
I am convinced that Maru has THE most highly developed sense of humour in the feline world.
Maru…never has been a kitten quite like him. And there likely never will be another like him either! Maru is a VERY SPECIAL soul! God bless him😸
LOL.. maru, how is this comfortable? ;3
I wonder if mugumogu ever face-plants in Maru’s belly. Cos I sure would.
Maru.exe has been successfully compressed to Maru.zip
His tail Never. Stops. Moving. Ever. He is constantly thinking/plotting! lol
It’s like a Japanese Capsule Hotel
maru is a performance artist of the highest level
Was one of Maru’s parents an octopus?