long version:https://youtu.be/-opKsmSPl6A
My cats are my Masters they Can eat all that they want don’t need a bell they are the queens and kings !! I love my cats!!! Poor kitties ringing a bell just for one Tiny piece of food !!
El vídeo: Gato y timbre
Yo: Hey Calamardo, Hey Calamardo, Hey Calamardo, Hey Calamardo…
Realised that could go on forever if the cats wanted to.
Everyone: cats have right hands
Me: cats are impatient as humans.
I love how he leaves the comes right back to his spot for seconds. So damn adorable. Hehe
Bastet (Egyptian Cat Goddess): Do they still worship you?
Modern day cat: Yes,they serve me food when i ring the bell.
Bastet: Good enough
Было бы интересно сделать перекрёстный эксперимент. Звонит один кот – дают второму. Будет ли кошачья взаимовыручка?)
Cats: *Ring Bell*
Everyone: *interesting*
Pavlov’s cats: They conditioned a human to respond to the sound of a bell.
Cat: “Keep ‘em comin’ bar keep”
Bartender: “That’s your 48th round, I think you’ve had enough”
Cat: “I’m not done yet!” [Falls off stool] “I’M NOT DOEN”
The kitties have trained the humans very well.
Спишь… 3 часа ночи… И только с кухни доносится…
Дзынь дзынь… дзынь дзынь….. дзынь дзынь…
this will never end. animals dont know when to quit eating
They are both using the right paw. Very interesting.
Fun fact: You didnt search for This
I watched a whole 2 minutes 52 seconds just for 2 cats who is ringing the bell 🤣
Unshown End: Left Cat wants the chit, right cat instant leaves for toilet
2:10 the cat must be thinking: “damn I almost got it, that was so close”
The title should be “Hoomans and Bell”
When a dog does something like this…. booooring.
But when a cat does!…. BEST VIDEO EVER!!!
I love how they are using their right foot.
Take it from me. We don’t own a cat they own us. Our cats live better than most people on the planet. We have four cats. We love them a lot. Regards cliff aust
This was absolutely fantastic. Hey, let’s show cats ringing bells for days….
Me: 👀👀👀
If this were Temptations treats, any flavor, whatever, my cat will bite my hand to get them.
This is what internet was invented for.
“Every time a bells rings, a cat gets diabetes.”
У левого кота морда кислая: не хочу, грит, в такие игры играть, но жрать-то хочется…
My cat opens and slams the kitchen cupboards when hes hungry 😂 I love cats.
I need a bell exactly like that one.
I don’t have any cats; I just want someone to give me treats every time I ring it.
The cats are laughing….if he wants to give us food when we ring the bell, great! No big deal. He obviously doesn’t know this and is easily excited…
The idea, that every time they hit the bell, something explodes, is honestly frightening
What would happen if the guy doesn’t serve food to the cat which rings the bell but instead serves to the other one?
Me searching for something meaningful to watch on YouTube.
YouTube: Hey wanna see cats ding a bell for food?
Yeah ok.
Me: it is 1 AM now, gotta go to sleep
Youtube: sssstttt, i have a cats with a bell
Me: sure.
I really want to know if they get full and stop ringing the bell.
Mankind, 2020: *Running a gazilion dollar industry fueled by humans stunningly watching videos of cats pressing a bell that triggers a treat*
YouTube: want to see a video of cats eating?
Me: sure why not
“If we keep ringing this stupid thing, the human gives food.”
Спустя неделю: два жирных колобка ходят по дому
Люди: Создали интернет, для того что бы делится и узнавать инфу.
Я: смотрю как 2 минуты кормят котов.
01:37 when i see people leaving the party and there is still some food left
This video should be named “cats training human to give them food”
The cat on the left would miss sometimes and would just stare like “Uhm HELLO?”
Most people don’t realize how trainable cats really are! This was too adorable. I loved the sound effects too. 😹😹
Humans: cat learn to ring bell
Cats: humans are so dumb they only hear bells and give food. So we ring
The second cat that ringed the bell just tried to be like the one that ringed it first
I dont know why I’m here and I also dont know why I watched it till the end.
Не знаю зачем я это посмотрел до конца. Но оторваться сложно
Dogs have masters. Cats have servants.
You didn’t search for this, it was recommended to you.