メインチャンネル 釣りよかでしょう
料理チャンネル 釣りよか飯
よーらい https://twitter.com/yoraaai
音楽素材/369様 http://www.369musiq.com/
素材提供 PIXTA様
0:12 even my own cat dont run to me like that! aaaaaaaawwwwwwwww what a special cat!
Same, my cats let me hold them -0.3 seconds.
I’ve encountered 1 cat in my life who ran up to me like that and meowed a greeting at me and it was outside on a street. Owners are blessed
She wanted some fish, so don’t feel bad. All animals, even people will come to you for some free food 😊😂
Im so scared they were Chinese pretending to be japanese. If its true that cat would be kentucky fried cat.
“Look. It’s you.”…. SO CUTE
Wow Im glad not all asians use cats as food
i think shes adorable and i like her ..lol
This guy is like while playing with my cats.
This is me when I meet a friendly cat.
Just flop with them in the ground.
Awww so cute !!
Big boss neko_chan…
omG very cuuuuteeee 😍😍😱😱😱😱😱😱💝💝💝💝
Trzeba się było tym kotem zaopiekować bo on się garnie do ludzi. Biedne te koty w Azji bo są tam często torturowane i zabijane. Azjaci to dziwni ludzie i nieobliczalni. Tutaj kot miał szczęście ale mógł też trafić lepiej.
우리가 개냥이 봤을때 이 아찌들이랑 같은 모습이랍니다~ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
now catch some fish and give them to him
No fish was caught, but a cat’s love was 😍
So tame
from his face he is male and has 3 colors and if that happens he is very expensive, I often observe cats in 3 colors and all of them are women … this is very rare
This reminds me that cats make life’s suffering almost worth it.
*In the Thumbnail* – Aww it seems to be a cute little Hamster!
*After clicking on the video* – Ahh its a cat…
너무 너무 카와이 데스네~~~^^
Awww so stinking cute
This video makes the whole internet worth it.
A beautiful Calico cat
What anime pls???
まるおぉぉまた悪かするんかwwwww 😂
This is so wholesome!! 💕💙❤ Didn’t expect them to lay down and spend time with kitty ☺☺☺
CHIBI RIKU あなたもやさしい(°∀°*)
the cat has asian eyes 😀
The one time youtube recommends something worth watching.
I love this cat 😢
Lovely video
Why fish when you can pet a cat?
2009: awww cute cat
2019: *ThIs Is AnImAl AbUsE*
She is so cute did you guys give her a home
so cuute
Thanks. She is so sweet and the men are so nice to take time to be sweet to her.
Give a hungry cat food, you get adopted by the cat.
Kawaiii ☺️☺️☺️
Please don’t pull her skin back to do that to her eyes it just not a very nice thing to do…this video was so lovely up until that point.
@Ani Chen You eat cats, so….maybe YOU should “shut up” lmao.
@Ash Tree Like omg! WTF y’all. You you sound so young. I’m gonna be nice to you.
@kyohoshi Uh oh, your reply was kinda long too. You cared to read ALL of our comments? WOW lol.
totally agree. was thinking about the same thing
@kyohoshi No you won’t lol. You have noooo life man.
Such a pretty and friendly kitty!!
So co operative cat woohhoo
This would be me as adult haha
Momo from Love Nikki came to have some grilled fish 😁
These guys should visit Istanbul… The City of cats
Kawaiiiiiiii ^o^
Okay I give 10 minutes to cuddle me and then you catch me some fish.
shes thirsty