Maru and Hana are world class athletes, they knock them over on purpose to, watch you set them up again and again, I thought I heard them snickering in the background, now they’ll tell their cat friends how they pranked their human ,how fiendish yet funny , rome new york
It’s funny that, at first, both Maru and Hana treat every new row as some strange obstacle that they’ve never encountered before; they’ve got to smell it and investigate it before moving forward.
It’s that much funnier when Maru took on the “Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.” mentality.
“Sometimes you have to forget about grace and just push through” (c) Maru 2020
*Your kitties are SO indescribably CUTE!* ❤️❤️❤️
I think Maru wants to try his paw at bowling again – he seems more interested in knocking them down than jumping over them. 😹😹😹
Hana “JUMP” !
Maru “NOPE PUSH” 😀
Что я вам стрекоза?! Я танк!!! Подумал Марусик и по пер!
Maru’s jumping with his flat emotionless face🤣🤣
Go Maru! Such a determined cat.
LOL! In the end Maru shows the wisdom of his age, deploying the energy-saving “bulldozer” method rather than the “leaping kitty” method! ^..^
maru learned from hana to be a little anarchist
hahahaha at last he finds way more easier to get through 🤣🤣 just push it
毎動画そうだけど、ちゃんと飼い主さんの思い通りに企画進められるのがすごい、、、お利口さん( ‘ω’)
まるさんは後半 ジャンプする行動すらせず倒しながら進む行動に変えたのね。(^。^;)
Maru is really smart.
2:57 もはやめんどくさくて倒しまくるまるちゃんと、お兄ちゃんの大胆さにおもわず「何事!?」と見に来るはなちゃん
Maru and Hana are world class athletes, they knock them over on purpose to, watch you set them up again and again, I thought I heard them snickering in the background, now they’ll tell their cat friends how they pranked their human ,how fiendish yet funny , rome new york
自ら密を崩して示す まるさん🐈
あって貰ってる」感が否めない( ´∀`)💗
It’s funny that, at first, both Maru and Hana treat every new row as some strange obstacle that they’ve never encountered before; they’ve got to smell it and investigate it before moving forward.
It’s that much funnier when Maru took on the “Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.” mentality.
Both cats deserve treats for being good sports and for being cute, too….
Maru believes in the virtue of laziness.
3:52 – Maru remembers that he is a force of nature.
1:42 😂 Maru is like “To hell with this, I’m not going with your plan, woman”
Maru looked at Mugumogu like why you always do silly things
Maru has a unique personality that’s why I love him <3
I think the reason why Maru just plows through them at the end is because he knows there will be no consequence and he is tired of jumping.
“Enough of the show jumping hooman, feed me!!” Lol.
Hope everyone is safe and well. 🌈🐾x
maru is a smart sportive cat whereas hana is a easy-going sportive cat
3:58 Maru: im tired of this imma just walk through it again 😛
These should be official cat Olympic events, along with walking through toilet roll stacks, and autumn music festival tail drumming.
まるさんも はなさんもかわいくて面白いけど、なにしろママさんの創作の頑張りがステキ過ぎる(笑)
toilet core: hoho you’re approaching me? Instead of jumping over, you’re coming right to me?
“Maru Talks” he is not amused !!! Walks through to mom after show jumping at start. Clearly I’m not a rabbit comes to mind.
Inside the lazy head is a smart mind.
Me after watching these videos:
“Three should be a catlympic”
Maru has years of experience in paper and paper products, he can’t be fooled!
Maru (at the end): “Enough of this silliness! I’m too old for this!”
Maru cracked me up on the last row of five. It was like, “Oh, f-it”” 👍🤣
Only true cat lovers can understand how worth it it is to construct a makeshift hallway and carefully align cardboard tubes.
P.S. Hana at 3:00 in the background lmao.
3:44 「密です」
学習能力がたかいですね( ´∀`)b