障子ロードとねこ。-Shoji road and Maru&Hana.-


まるが今までで一番気に入ったロード。Maru seemed to like this shoji road.

Blog: https://sisinmaru.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maruhanamogu/


Garry Forbes

Maru must be thinking that the place he lives is getting really weird lately. There’s always something new on the floor. Maru will overcome any obstacle to amuse his fans.

Haruka Kisaragi


Rebecca Hartson

What a wonderful way to dispose of something that isn’t needed anymore, let the kitties play with it!


In Taiwan Night Market also have the game XDDD

When you push a hole ~ and you will get some present (surprise) from Boss XDDDD

Aww Paw

They wanted to break it cause they didint follow the last path again like in the snow they do always:) Thanks Mugumogu!


Hana is more like Legolas at Caradhras, walking on top the snow. Maru is like the rest of the Fellowship, plowing through slowly. XD


I think those who love Shoji doors would be sorely for every breaking sound Maru&Hana produced.

Tomboy Chick

Maru goes from “I don’t like it! I feel big & clumsy” to “Hehehe!”
Hana breezes through, all “Where’s the challenge? Wait! That WAS it?”

T magmag


Lenny Nero

For Maru it’s like that plastic bubble wrapping, he actually tried stepping where there was no hole yet, waiting for the paws to pop down!

Deborah Cornell

We don’t have to worry about Maru & Hana ever getting bored. Mugumogu always has something new for them to experience.🌿💚💙

Neko Nari-san

Maru & Hans are so adorable! Can’t believe I only just found this channel- I have a *lot* of videos to catch up on 🙂


Maru trying to balance the body.. be like the air .. be like the air.. then hana just easily walk thru it … these 2 cute furrball

Nicole Leger

Dear Mogumugu what did you excepting with this experience for Maru? A renunciation for walking on this special noisy passage? No way for Maru, intrepid and proud! It’s white, cracking under each step
and unpleasant for their delicate paws, but as funny as when he played in snow, just less cold! That’s all! Not enjoying, over all, scratching foolisly some cardboards! What’s next Mom’s idea seems to ask Maru to Mogumugu camera? Still ready to please her with Hannah! Such lovely cats children! 🐈📽️🧡🎬🐕


For those who don’t know what Shoji is, just google ‘Shoji cat’ and you will find what Shoji is meant for in Japanese household.

K Lam

Maru has question in mind. Why does Mom make me Shoji box instead of Shoji road?? Maru will make his portrait if it is Shoji box.

margarita perez

Maru you are so adorable and brave at the same time. You will not let anything get in your way. Hana, graceful as usual. Love you both!!

Jennifer D.

I’m watching this beautiful cat for 11 years now and he still surprises me😻
That was really fun to watch😀

Lucia D

They are such fearless kitties – my cats would run away in horror with the first sinking of their paws!! 🤣


Hana: Getting this over with asap.
Maru: No, you must extend subscriber viewing experience.

Louise Davis

You can see the differences in their builds, Hana goes along with light steps, making fewer holes than Maru as he has a bigger build than Hana. It looks like Maru doesn’t like uneven surfaces but he can’t be beaten by Hana so he goes over it again and again. I love how they take the same hole through the door at the end.

Phil Stehle

Hana scurried across as if on a mission, Maru plays ,the noise sounds like the destruction of a city by the fearsome Maruzilla, plus going slow gives him more camera time , stars can be vain ,rome new york

magna czagany

Was expecting Hana to run across light-footed. Maru is trying to find terra firma looking for another spot that is better more reliable. He is looking towards Mommy and her reaction to all this silliness. Climbing through the hole was best.


They must wake up every morning thinking, “What the actual heck is gonna happen today?!” Gosh, can hardly wait…


They must wake up every morning thinking, “What the actual heck is gonna happen today?!” Gosh, can hardly wait…

Captain Cluster

“Your next test to become a ninja is to walk across the paper leaving no mark”

Maru: doh


I was amused by how serious Maru took it when he made a hole punch every time.
This kind of thing is a kind of mental torture to some animals! 😄
Hana was a lot more easy-going. It was funny to see her stick her head through the hole when the door was propped vertically again!

D' Otter

This paper door is the test. Fragile as the wings of the dragonfly, clinging as the cocoon of the silk worm. When you can… When you can walk its length and… Maru? Try to leave no trace… no trace of having walked on… Maru? You are leaving big holes… Nevermind, grasshopper, just have fun.


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