スッポリなねこ。-The cup fits Maru.-


スッポリと収まります。The cup fits Maru perfectly.

Blog: https://sisinmaru.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maruhanamogu/


Julie Wright

I must say he looked rather uncomfortable in that collar and quite displeased to have it on in spite of himself!


Maru is so adorable with his head in a cup! It was funny to see him take the cup off! Have a great day Maru and Hana!

Maria Munoz-Nebbia

Maru looks like his ears were cut off. When we see his profile, his head loos kind of pointy. 😂🤣😆😻🥰💕❤️😘

foreign particle

You’d never think that tiny cup would contain all of Maru, but like magic it does. ALL OF MARU.

Luthiers Daughter

Maru is such a unique personality! He has to get in it, on it, or around it! Then he’s content! ☺️


You see videos of some poor animal with their head stuck in something, then you look at Maru, knowing how much of a pampered pet he is, and think, there but for the grace of God goes Maru. LOL Loved Hanna checking him out and her dismissal of him and his foolishness as he obviously says to her. “Yeah, yeah. Don’t say anything about how dumb I am. Just go away. (Swipe) Don’t need no trash talk from you!”

Patricia Khor

Have always wonder what’s Maru thinking whoever he comes across a hole – like the opening of a box or even a paper cup😅

I'm Saved

It’s the new Helloween choker just in time for the “Hell” O Days! He didn’t mind his ears being back one bit! Maru is a card!

L KayBee

Coffee shop barista: “Welcome to Stir-beck’s. May I take your order?”
Patron: “Yes, I’ll take a cup of Maru. Cream, but no sugar. It’ll be sweet enough.” ☕️ 🐱


It’s early in the Morning in Germany and i am having my breakfast Before i have to go to work and i am watching Maru- and honestly HE MADE MY DAY! Thank you Maru 🥰

Reverse Hollow

Maru showing us his cultural appreciation of the Padaung tribeswomen and their neck elongation, he might actually be watching more YouTube than us whilst Mugumogu sleeps.

Garry Forbes

This was great. Even better, it will soon be time for the Maru Lantern again. Linus may have looked for the Great Pumpkin, I’m more than satisfied with Maru inside any/every container he can find.

magna czagany

Funny when he doesn’t pull his ears through. Very resolutely tells Hana not to touch. He is determined, looks at the cup sideways than puts his head in. Looks at the camera and walks away. Amazing how he uses his paw to take off the collar. I don’t think he was particularly happy with this one too agitated on the whole. When he stretches out his paw when lying down that’s bliss in Maru’s world.

Nyajira O


Texas Jack

If Maru was outside, that armor would protect his neck and ears from attack by marauding birds. Now he just needs belly, leg, and tail armor.


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