高くなっていくトイレットペーパーの芯とねこ2。-Stacked toilet paper cores and cats 2.-



みり初参戦!Miri challenges cores of toilet paper for the first time.

Blog: https://sisinmaru.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maruhanamogu/



Merry Christmas to Mrs. Mugumogu and Cats ( Maru, Hana, & Miri ) 🥳🎊 and for all of you too, Maru fans around the world!🤣💙


OMG!!! As soon as I saw the toilet paper cores, I knew this would be good!!!
I literally have tears and laughing so hard right now!!
Maru&Hana did their duty, while Kitten Miri went for the high one!!!
I cheered loudly when Hana came out of nowhere flying over the high one!
Thank you, Mugumogu, for this Christmas laughter, which we all need!!

Get Schwifty

Miri is following in the footsteps of Maruzilla 🦖

Hana is still quite the athlete.

A perfect family, happy Christmas 💕

Shuba shree

Pro’s( Maru and hana) are enjoying miri’s participation where miri is entertaining everyone😆😘😘😘😘



Not Telling

Was wondering when you’d take these out, Mugumogu! Adore how Miri races to leap over them, no hesitation! She’s a quick study! But Maru, sitting with his back to you blocking the way, takes the cake. Iconic classic Maru!

magna czagany

Miri is astonished, did I do all that ? Maru did try once but decided that was enough no more jumping. Hana is a good girl she wants to avoid trubble for the most part. Do you put them away in another room when you build the wall ? So the surprise is complete !

Gail Arnold

Miri might be from the Maru school of I’ll jump when I feel like it. Clearly, Hana is ecstatic because she excels at this sport. It’s her Gold Medal. Clearly everyone is thrilled the games are back on. Especially me. Hana will work on her waist. Miri will learn the ropes. And Maru? He liked jumping until he thought he could get away with not jumping.
Let’s train them and give out the gold, the silver and the bronze. Let’s go Maru. Chop chop.

cindi mcgowan

I don’t know what goes on behind the scenes as far as bloopers, but there could not be a more perfect 3rd cat for this family. Miri really makes me laugh!

Major Cynic

Kitten Miri is a rock star IMHO – she came, she saw, she conquered! When it’s 4 stories high, Maru just stomps through like Godzilla – Kitten Miri splatters herself all over it like buckshot. Hana is like a graceful steeplechaser.

Dominique Michaud

Let’s take a moment to appreciate mugumogu’s skill at pilling up four rows of toilet paper cores.

magna czagany

When Maru turns his back on you and sits down in front of the wall exchanging looks with Hana, that is the best of comedy. Miri is the charming baby for whom everything is new and all created to please her.

Maria Munoz-Nebbia

It’s Christmas Eve, and I’m watching three cats and TP rolls… and LOVING IT! 😻💕😻💕. Thank you, Mugumagu! 🤓


誰が何段跳べたかより 地味に芯を積んでいる飼主様に拍手8888

Magna Marianne Czagany

When Miri’s ears appear above the wall she.must be standing up on her hind legs like a little kangaroo. Curiosity didn’t kill the cat but only the wall. Very cute and active little destroyer !!!


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