ブランコに避難するねこ。-Maru evacuates to the swing.-



ブランコに避難するまる。Maru evacuates to the swing to escape the attack from Miri.

Blog: https://sisinmaru.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maruhanamogu/





I wonder how many other Cat Swings there are out there. 🤔 Is that a Thing?

Maru on his swing is just pure entertainment. 😂😻

Victory Roussotte

Maru is really a good intelligent cat to ignore Miru’s audacity and to choose the swing to avoid more of her attacks. Miru is like a
a troublemaker. I hope Hana could handle and put her in place otherwise Miru will take over the Palace of Mugumogu!


When she bounces onto his face! Amazing. And Hana in the background, plotting her lessons for the little one. I think Maru is the kindergarten teacher, indulgent and gentle, and Hana is the High School teacher, not able to take the little one’s antics, but there later for the important lessons of life.

Thor Groot SweetRabbit

I think that is the most upset I’ve seen Maru, he escaped instead of hurting Miri, good boy.


The look on Maru’s face on the swing. LOL I’m not sure if Hana’s walk-by is hinting to Maru to “end this” haha Two adult cats with a kitten. It’s like parents with a raging toddler. So many things to ponder watching Miri. Entertainment!

Shuba shree

Maru doesn’t want to hurt anyone,including miri and mom.its not his weakness, but it is his good attitude.its all because of his age and maturity he gives up for miri.we hail our hero maru for his good behaviour😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

Dammika Wickramanayaka

One of the cutest things in the whole cat world is little Miri wiggling her back and taking aim to pounce! 😻😻😻She IS a handful, that one!

Poor Maru! His Lordship ‘s lazy, cozy cuddly days with Princess Hana are over. The “newest sensation” in the family seems to keep him on tip toes from now on!
Hope the sweetheart doesn’t get too stressed with the new arrival… what with advanced age and all that…..
Please take care Maru, Hana and little Miri! And of course Mugumogu San and all her family too! 🙏 🌸 🙏

Megan Kearns

Maru still manages to steal the limelight. Kittens are adorable (especially the feisty ones) but I’ve seen thousands. Cat on a swing? Yep. Just him.

Maria G.

Maru’s such a funny potato — one of his massive paws could hold that kitten down but he doesn’t like to exert himself so he just retires to his swing and literally looks down on Miri 😂


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