紙袋を被ったらパトロールせずにいられないねこ。-Maru can’t help patrolling when he puts a paper bag on his head.-



パトロールに励むまるさん。本日も平和なり。Maru works hard on patrols!

Blog: https://sisinmaru.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maruhanamogu/


I Nan Liu

Miri “I’m hidden, ready to pounce on my prey!”
Maru “I can see your butt, little sister. You are not that tiny now!”


Extraterrestrial life has no choice but to give up the invasion of the earth after seeing Maru’s patrol.


Maru: by day I am a cat who loves the box, but when night falls I don the mc donalds bag and patrol the house


Maru has a beautiful face with super curious eyes, he loves to dress as a Stormtrooper from Star War.

Deborah Cornell

I’ve often wondered if Miri will pick up on some of Maru’s unusual antics. Looks like she’s considering it.💙

TeriTerryTarry TTT

I look at the scene of Miri, Hana and Maru and I think to myself, no matter what else is going on, surely the world isn’t such a bad place after all. (^..^)

Trey Quattro

maybe cats are the aliens we have been looking for? Space Catets Maru and Miri, what do you say?

Feral Cat Sanctuary a Trap, Neuter, Return Colony

I feel awful when I laugh so hard at Maru because he takes his patrol job with a paper bag on his head very seriously! But, it is just the silliest thing ever!! Maybe his second patrol was to show Miri how to do it, although she doesn’t seem that enchanted with the bag over her head yet…..Thanks for such a super fun video!


Weirder than everything he ‘does’ is when he just sits there with the bag on his head. Who does this? Only Maru.

Michael Clark

What a perfectly Wonderful kitty is Maru and Miri is growing like a weed, Hana takes it all in.

D' Otter

Sometimes a warrior must fight even when his vision is limited, for instance by a disguise. Maru regularly trains for such times. Neither Princess Hana nor his new apprentice quite understands the importance of being prepared, not in this way.

L KayBee

I think Maru and Miri were getting high off of the “burger and fries” smell left on the bag! Can’t blame them one bit. 🍔 🍟 🐱

Ala Fresca

A bag on his head is exactly what Maru needed as protection from potential Miri attack. Being a patrol cat is something that goes back to Maru’s juvenile days. So funny.


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