かくれんぼ遊びとねこ。-Hide and seek and cats.-



今日はみんなでかくれんぼ遊びをします!Cats are playing hide-and-seek today!

Blog: sinmaru.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maruhanamogu/


y u


Trey Quattro

congratulations Maru, Hana, Miri & mugumogu on reaching 800K subscribers! Should be a million+ already

Linda Alvarez

Maru: I’m going in this box today💕
Hana: I see you Maru! I Love you!! That was easy Mama💕
Miri: Hi brother! Wanna play…?! This is a cool set up💕
Maru: I knew they would find me💕💕

Jayansh Singh

0:40 Maru’s tail be saying “go away, hooman. I’m soon to enter my meditative state of mind.” 😀

Nicole Leger

Maru, as a mischievous and playful teenager, still enjoys to play hide and seek! Unfortunately, because of his wagging tail, too long, she still betrays his secret hiding place! Maru truly couldn’t be a brilliant spy, for sure! Sorry Maru! 😹

Nicole Leger

Maru, as a mischievous and playful teenager, still enjoys to play hide and seek! Unfortunately, because of his wagging tail, too long and fluffy, she still betrays his secret hiding place! Maru truly couldn’t be a brilliant spy or a discreet private detective! for sure! Sorry for you dearest Maru! 😻

the gh0ST505

BOl. They both went straight to Maru! Without even the thoughts to pretend searching for a while! You can hide a box, but you can’t hide the famous and well-love Maru! 😄⚘

Magna Marianne Czagany

Chibi Maru sneaking up on you, he was such an adorable and smart baby. When his tail hits the camera like that I wonder if it means I’m annoyed with you. The girls go and put their noses in there without fear. I was waiting for Miri to jump in the box she was thinking about it it seems.


Maru: “Go away camera, i want to nap!”, proceeds to swing tail against camera in attempt to shoo away the camera


Maru tail smacking the camera is a form of communication with Mugumogu…thank you for being my mama and giving me another sister to play with! 💕💕😽


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