すごいお宝を見つけちゃったねこ。-Miri found a great treasure.-


ホームセンターで買ってきた袋を物色しているみり。何かすごい物を見つけたようです。Miri seems to have found something amazing in the shopping bag.
壁掛け: https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B094J76SZG
卓上: https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B094J6Z2TT
Blog: https://sisinmaru.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maruhanamogu/


パリピ 光合成する


Sea Turtle

Miri: Mom, look what I found. It is chewy. This is mine.

Miri looks funny carrying it in her mouth.

Is that a type of Hake brush? I use them for watercolor painting.

Dammika Wickramanayaka

1:14 Maru and 1:23 Hana both look so adorable sniffing the hair of the paint brush (though they both found no interest in it at all)😺😺.
Were Miri’s hunting instincts stimulated by the soft brush hair…??What IS the prey that you hunted from Mummy’s shopping bag, my sweetie??? A big bird with soft white plumes ??😻😻💕
His Lordship Fluffyness relaxing in the box while Mum stroking that darling round head with the brush is priceless 😽😻😽.
Thank you Mugumogu San.🙏🙏🙏 Love you and your fur babies so much! 💕🐾🐈🐾🐾🐈🐾🐾🐈🐾



kathy’s _folly

Miri, the great hunter, practices her skills. The most recent is a wooden paintbrush!! 🖌Captured! 😻
The thrill of the hunt.
Bravo Miri♥️


I like how you let Miri’s wise elders/foster parents check out her toy first. They clearly both agreed it was harmless and not any danger to the young one! 😺 Miri seems to be an eco-friendly urban hunter – she’ll attack plastic and non living stuffed cats but not living things 🙂

Barbara Nugnes

Miri enjoyed so much her fortunate experience as a painter that she wants to try again. She’s holding the brush from the wrong side, but she’s only a kitty, and we can’t blame her, can we?💘 p.s: Watching the end, Miri wonders: is Mommy painting Maru? Wow, she’s even better than I am !!!

Diane Ricciardi Stewart

Oh the things that fascinate our cats!!! Easily amused at times!! LOL!! And then, ‘painting’ Maru at the end was too cute!! I guess Miri did, indeed, get a new ‘toy’ in the end!! 💕🐈💕🐈

Sally Smithern

I love all your babies! I’ve been watching since just Maru. I’ve never thanked you for all the pleasure you have given me watching your three so creatively filmed. Thank you. 😺

Tomboy Chick

No way was Miri going to settle for being given the brush off. The very thought made her bristle!


now that Miri’s shopping bag hunt paid off so well, she will be closely supervising every shopping haul from now on. *:-3*

Tiberius Gracchus

Cats always love the toys they discover the most. My kitty found the back part of a band-aid laying on the floor last night and just went crazy about it. Meanwhile there are over $100 worth of toys laying around she could care less about.


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