

猫 ウズラ


Джонни Номер 5

And where is the mother of a chicken? …..
Ending roller just gorgeous!
An older chicken like a hat sits on a cat’s head (as soon as the cat never ate the chicken, surprisingly)


there are some things you don’t question in life… just accept them. like, why is a chicken sitting on top of a cat’s head? sh shshsshhhh, just accept it and watch

Dream The Endless

After the first two thirds of this video I really thought the cat was treating the little chick as it’s baby but I was really shocked little past the seven minute mark when the cat pounces and bites the chick till it stopped moving. The way they kept filming like it was no surprise as the cat kept throwing around the lifeless husk of the chick leads me to assume they expected that to happen. Not the kind of entertainment i was expecting!

Bot Noname

*Title is in Japanese
*Multiple spanish and english viewers

Youtube recommendations now has a bang to it

Mr. Moon

Why do you repeat parts of the clip in this video? Do you think people prefer to watch the same exact things twice? 必要ないと分かってるはずなのに。

Hoseok_ Hyungie

“PEEP PEEP PEEP,” says the lil chick while cuddling with the cat and melting my heart

Anton Laaksonen

I don’t even care it’s the same video clip twice, it’s so cute I could watch it all day!



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