お外の雑草サラダバーがお休み中なので、猫草を買ってきて育てました!(伸びるまで数日放置しただけ)The salad bar of outside was unavailable, so I bought cat grass for Maru&Hana&Miri.
★まるの暮らし【セブンネットショッピングオリジナル B6判特典ステッカー付】
★まるの暮らし【楽天ブックスオリジナル B6判特典ステッカー付】
★まるの暮らし 【Amazon】
#猫 #まる #cats
Oops. Maru can be forgiven for making a mess because he is adorable.
I love that Miri tells Maru, “look, you can eat most of the grass, but I am going to nibble too.” Then Hanah comes over as well.
Miri is so funny, being young, and Maru, being older, allows her to learn with him.
Edit: I take that back… at 2:04 ish… Maru was wisely waiting to dump the grass on Miri’s head.
Cats are so funny.
猫草デリバリーを堪能する まるさん みりちゃんの師弟コンビ。
I love the crunch crunch sound the kitties are making when they munch on their “salad”.💝 😋
Hana didn’t have much, but Maru and Miri seemed to enjoy the treat more.💗😻😻💗
Maru Darling’s purring and a view of those lovely meatbuns 🐾 towards the end of the video are priceless 💝
Thank You Mugumogu San!🙏💖
It’s lovely to watch Maru, Miri and Hana enjoying their catgrass treat! 😸😻😺
Maru’s meat buns look so soft on the carpet. 🥰🐈🐈⬛
Maru looks absolutely adorable in the thumbnail, with his tongue sticking out just so slightly.😻😽💗
It’s gorgeous to see him on the 🐘 elephant at the very beginning (0:07) when Mugu was making the delivery 🥗💖
How great to hear Maru purr at the same time my cats also are purring. It’s like they are singing in happiness together.
植木鉢のど真ん中におっきいお顔を突っ込んでわしゃわしゃ食べるまるさん、豪快❗ はなさんが遠慮するのもわかります。
Maru grazes in a very similar way to how a 1-year old eats a birthday cake—with his whole face.
It’s very nice, how Mugumogu always provides variety in the lives of her little cats. And – Maru is and will be the king of all and in everything. 😽
The King of the all cuteness and furfullness at the first at the table, ladies after 🙂 and servants (hoomans) the last :). But Maru is the very deceant and wise king! San Maru learnt rapidly honour His Highness of fluffiness :D! These videos are so cute and exiting to watch in all delicious details here :D! Thanks Mugumogu!
I think the kitties are already looking forward to Spring and lots of different salad greens every day! Hand-feeding is the best!😻😻😻🍀🌱🪴☀️
Maru, Hana and Miri are so fortunate to have you as their human, they are so pampered.
Maru steps up to the cat grass the girls nibble from below. He even takes a bath in it rubbing his head all over. Hana sniffs at what mommy gives her and walked away. Was that her protest against Maru taking it all. Did it smell of Maru ? Miri isn’t very interested in chewing on it but they all look guilty about the mess. Maru super pleased when it’s all cleaned up. Purring towards mommy.
I’m so happy they had cat grass delivered! They deserve it.