みりは鳥さんに憧れてる? Does Miri admire birds?
★まるの暮らし【セブンネットショッピングオリジナル B6判特典ステッカー付】
★まるの暮らし【楽天ブックスオリジナル B6判特典ステッカー付】
★まるの暮らし 【Amazon】
#猫 #まる #みり
Miri obviously just wants to have a friendly chat!
Miri has a lot to say this morning. Such a sweetheart.
Maru: “It’s getting cold! Close the door, please.”
Miri: “This ‘snow’ is not to my liking! Get rid of it, please!”
Hana: “You two are always complaining about something.”
Miri is so cute. I want to hug Miri
The foot flicking that some cats do when they get their paws wet makes me laugh
Miri, the adventurer, loves animals as the cow & the elephant in the living room but she prefers so much the birds in the garden so amusing! Still singing, chatting, flying! Happy and free in the tree!
Meanwhile Maru prefers adventures, sleeping quietly on the swing! 

Miri-chan is such a sweetie!

It’s lovely to see her chatter with the birds. 
Yes, princess Miri is a climber. Yes, she’d like to fly (to avoid walking in the snow). Yes, when she’s grown up, she definitely wants to be a bird!

Miri’s voice when talking to birds is cute

I really like this playful little girl
Miri can be anything she wants to be when she grows up, even a bird.
Miri chan is such a brave girl. She climbs so high on the tree so effortlessly. She looks so pretty & regal high up the tree against the backdrop of tree branches and blue sky. Her chatting with the birds sounds so cute. Miri chan is such an adorable kitty. Just love this little darling.
Maru and Hana are not busy at all..that’s Maru’s life motto. Lol. Love hearing Miri talking to her birdies.
Her Chatting and Chirping is very sweet. Always reminds me of my former Cat. He was a chatty One also.
Miri is so cosmopolitan: in the tree she chirps, on the ground she meows.
Miri’s talking to the birds and meowing is so cute. My kitties make the same noises, while watching the birds in my backyard.