久しぶりのブランコとねこ。-The swing after a long absence and Maru.-


暑くなってきたのでブランコを元のブランコに戻しました。久しぶりに、まるさんは乗ることができるでしょうか? It was getting hot, so I changed the swing. Can Maru get on the swing for the first time in a while?
Blog: https://sisinmaru.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maruhanamogu/
#猫 #まる #cats


Carolejane Wheeler

How lovely to see Maru propelling bimself on the old swing again! ❤❤❤❤ 😻 🐈‍⬛

Dammika Wickramanayaka

Maru on the Swing…
Our sweet *KING OF THE SWINGS* 👑 😻💖

3:18 Ah, those delectable meatbuns… 🐾🐾 (Now, THOSE are his FRONT paws!😸😻😸🐾🐾, right Mummy?)

Thank you Sweet kitties and Mugumogu San! Hope Hana and Miri also get on the Swing!


Ahhhh dear Maru is older but still nimble enough to enjoy the summer swing! Bravo Maru!!🥳🥳😘♥️🥰
Sweet companion Hana always near her precious Maru.😘🧡🥰😻


ブランコに落ち着いたまるさんの なんとも言えない 至福の表情♡♡
癒される♥️(◦ˉ ˘ ˉ◦)

magna czagany

Maru the swing king looks very comfortable up there. Is there a little breeze from the garden infused by the swinging tail ? In the blog Miri on top of the chair is provoking Hana who hides under it. Looks like they are getting along better these days no hissing maybe a little game from one cat to another.


Maru saw, remembered, attempted, succeeded and relaxed …so cute Maru! The ladies looked on …

Kitty Mervine

I was afraid Miri was going to think SNAKES again, but she needs to get up on that swing! The balance it takes is really quite remarkable, and Maru is truly a master of balance.

Barbara Nugnes

Maru still swings! And he looks absolutely satisfied. By the way, the cats’ home must very quiet! When he hears a noise like that, my Sunny 😸 doesn’t even turn his head (“Mummy again!…”) 🐈

Nicole Leger

Maru dispite his 15 years, same agility ! His summer swing is perfect for meditating peacefully! No way in the new one, too comfy! Maru was always sleepy! 😹💤


I figured it would come back. They appreciate things more when they return after a while, like it’s something new yet familiar at the same time. Even just moving things from one spot to another can renew their interest at times.


Nice to see Maru relaxing on this swing again. It was so long ago, but he can still easily climb on it!

Crystal Blystone

Aww he remembered his swing. I imagine that Mugumogu has a huge room in her house with Maru’s old stuff in it. Mostly boxes, lol.


Maru is pleased, maybe even a bit smug that he is the only one who can get on the swing. Hana is so cute how she waits below the swing just to be near Maru. Also I love Miri’s eyes and pointed ears, she always looks so amazing!


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