逃げるタライとねこ。-The blue tub runs away from Maru.-


タライに逃げられるまるさん! The blue tub refuses Maru to get in!?
Blog: https://sisinmaru.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maruhanamogu/
#猫 #まる #cats


George Spalding

Maru gets more entertainment out of that beer box then I would from drinking the beer that was in it.

Екатерина Вовченко

Мой милый Мару!!! Булочка пушистая!!! Ты великолепен!!!!

Magna Marianne Czagany

Maru pushing the blue tub out of the way with his head in a beer box. Climbing up on the swing with head covered in beer box and then pushing it off. Miri is watching attacking one beer box but too sleepy to do the same with the second one. In the blog she jumps up on the sofa to surprise Hana. Hana hisses at her little sister so Miri retreats to the end of the sofa at a safe distance from the angry one. Maru is sitting in his little cart that is parked at the end of the room. To each his own in his little family.

Barbara Nugnes

Maru is still the vedette of the circus! He very deliberatly drives away the blue tub, for the fun of it! Bravo, Maru!🎪

M. Kurome

I think the valuable lesson here is that Hana is still, to this day, flabbergasted at Maru, Milly and owner behavior.


Hana always checks on Maru. Maybe she wants to make sure he is okay… but maybe she is making sure he didn’t get any special treats that he should be sharing!😂🤣♥️😻😻😻


Maru is one of the most unique kitties I’ve ever seen! I love how patient and kind he is with his little adopted sisters too. 😻


Suddenly I figure Maru is living a rich life. He has to make so many decisions every day, which toy to play, which mate to play with, which time to relax. Amazing.

Anego L

Maru sensei has taught Miri chan well. Miri chan has a beautiful face. I have enjoyed watching her grow. 💕💕💕


Maru’s skill is very impressive! He climbs onto the swing easily, even with that box on his head. Such grace and athleticism. Hana looks into the tub: “hmm, no food here,” and quickly moves on. Miri is feisty in her box. Just another day…🤗

Linda Alvarez

Miri: I’m in! Now what Mama…?💕
Maru: This is how it’s done… plus I can move the blue tub, say hi to Hana, walk in and out of box plus swing on a swing💕
Hana: I am the prettiest💕


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