新しいお散歩道を歩くねこ。-Cats walk on the new walking road.-


新しいお散歩道が完成したので、まるさんたちにお披露目しました!Maru&Hana&Miri walked the completed new walking road!
Blog: https://sisinmaru.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maruhanamogu/
#猫 #まる #cats


Paul Bennell

I think Maru likes it. He isn’t unduly freaked out by new things like most other cats. In fact he’s usually very interested in checking out new things. He’s a progressive cat.

Hana is only interested in the shortest route between two points. She doesn’t mess about. It may be a bit early yet to know what Hana makes of it.

Miri certainly finds it very interesting but as usual with anything new, she’s not very sure at all. I’m sure though, once she sees it a few times and nothing awful happens, she’ll come round to it.

magna czagany

They liked the wild garden with weeds and the wooden walkway before. Maybe they will change their mind once it is finished. You mean well and want them to enjoy the end product. The stones will be cold in the winter and hot in the summer with sand in between and no weeds to munch on. Maru likes new things but Hana is a more traditional girl. Mri likes her tree.

Ri Mi


Nicole Leger

As the eldest of the sibling, Maru is proud to inaugurate the new walking in the garden! Such adventure! 😸


The stone steps are more suited for humans to walk on than the cats due to the undulating effect of the raised stones. Maru thinks like a human and strives to utilise them despite some difficulty [ couldn’t have been easy on his joints ] unlike Hana and Miri who simply follow their animal instincts to walk on a flat path. I think Maru appreciates his Mama’s efforts and feels obliged to give her new project a trial run, Maybe Muguchan could try leveling out the gaps between the stones with more sand?

Trinity Wright

Maru likes it.
This is very nice just saying out there for the cats kitties love saying it’s like a big litter box.
And warm stones

Mr West

Outstanding workmanship and addition to your home. As the popular IDOL of this channel, it is good that Maru is the first to be shown on the walking road. ❤


Hana likes the warmth if the sun on the stone. But the edge, the shade, is more comfortable osychologically.

Winnie Gustafson

Maru: Nice job ,Mom.
Hannah: I don’t like all this noise! Let’s keep going!
Miri: where’s the fun stuff?


I love Maru, every day I watch a little bit of these cats’ lives and I feel their personalities come through. I really love Hana too, and Miri is growing on me. But interactions of Maru and Hana are the best. Maru is the smartest of all the cats, he sees the new road and understands that he’s supposed to use it.

Djentle Ant

it’s like Maru knew he was supposed to walk on the stepping stones and tried to stay on them as he walked. And, of course , he stray away as he wants. Love you Maru, Hana & Miri💕💕💕

Crystal Blystone

Maru’s eye’s in the sun, just amazing. I think Hana and Miri likes walking on the sand because it feels cool on the toe beans.


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