押すねこ。-A pushcart and Maru.-

手押し車を押すまる。Maru pushes the pushcart.


Sara Nino

I’m going to visit in China next year I’ve come to see u I love u maru when ever I saw your video u make me smile u beautiful


Maru the wonder cat! Maru can do everything including making people giggle. ;D  What a delightful kitty!

jaydene hall

Hana is looking at Maru like – what in the heck are you doing?  ha-ha  Maru is so funny and inquisitive.  You sure have a beautiful place.  Love all of the beautiful wood.
My husband and I built houses here in California for many years so I have a great appreciation for various types of wood.  We did a lot of natural cedar around our bathtubs.


This video is one of our favorites.  Not just the stern, determined look on Maru’s face as he comes toward the camera – not just the ultra-cute, inquisitive, admiring look from his adoring sister at the end – but the silly look back when he runs into the door.  What a gas these two dear friends are!

Mia Dravis

Maru is such a creative and fun loving little guy. Thank you for sharing your Maru with us. He never stops putting a smile on my face =^ ^=

Per Persson

My reaction: Oh, the cart is from BRIO, a Swedish company. Are those sold in Japan? Or is the movie actually made by a Japanese living in Sweden?

Michelle E - M

I truly never get tired of watching this video. Whenever I feel down it takes just 41 seconds of Maru to make my day brighter.


Haha too cute! My cat Pepper would have loved that cart! But, he passed onto cat Heaven last May… These videos are fun to watch, brings back my memories.. #Thanks4sharing 😇

minori fujisawa


Energy Healer

omg I lol so hard and that cat at the end is saying you look funny and I really love this video can you post more and I’m still laughing

Chris Nizer

It really wouldn’t surprise me if one day I saw a Maru video clip of him balancing a checkbook. Or Maru passes the bar exam. Maru becomes a licensed real estate agent. Ok it would surprise me….but not that much.



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