I moved the cat tower which cats lost interest. The cat tower regained its popularity!
Blog: https://sisinmaru.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maruhanamogu/
I moved the cat tower which cats lost interest. The cat tower regained its popularity!
Blog: https://sisinmaru.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maruhanamogu/
Maru watches over his kingdom.
I love cat logic😹If something gets moved to another place,it’s interesting again🤷♀️😹
Recipe for serotonin: Place Maru into a clear bowl, and wait until he melts.
Great Maru, he’s still able to get higher and higher.
Miri vuole che anche Maru salga su….ora Maru è contento e si sente il Re!
The cat tower looks like it’s seen some cat scratching action. First item in Mugu’s cat paradise to have any damage?
キャットタワーで 遊びながらも みりちゃんは はな姉さんが 気になるみたいですね😅 みりちゃんのまるさんに対する 挨拶の仕方が 手でチョンとしたり 抱きついたりで 面白いです😄
Maru was waiting for his turn silently.Once he got to know that his sisters are busy quarelling he tends to occupy the top position as he doesn’t want to be disturbed.finally he reached topmost position of that room and hence look satisfied😇😘😘😘😘
普段見向きもしないのに移動すると新鮮なのか なんだかソワソワして遊んじゃうんですよね!
Maru is surveying his domain up there. They’re all seeing the cat tower with a new perspective. ☺️
Bravo, Maru! We all hoped that you would climb on top of the world. And how majestic you look from down here! THE BOSS. While the girls merely play catch the mouse… a little change makes the world new! 💖
キャットタワーの位置を変えるだけでまるさん はなさん みりちゃん再び興味を持ちはじめたね。(*^.^*)
Miri jumps two levels: “Try and keep up old man!”
Maru jumps one level at a time but makes it to the top first.
I am always going to repeat myself, BEST CAT MOM EVER. Love it.
That’s funny, once what was old is new again. Kitten Miri is so adorable.
Maru satisfied makes me satisfied <3
物の場所を移動しただけで、また新鮮な気持ちで楽しんで遊び倒す。猫って 幸せな生き物。
一番の高みから辺りを見下ろし、ご満悦な まるさん。威風堂々ですね。
Maru belongs On Top! Love Hana’s flehmen response to the scent of her dear friend 😻 As for Miri, what an athlete 🐾⚽🐾😄
All three are showing off their unique personalities and it’s wonderful.
Maru looks very satisfied. What was old becomes new.
If you move it, they think “Hey, don’t get rid of it, we really like it! See?” and climb all over it.
They would probably use it even more if it was in front of the window so they could see outside from the tower. Still love Maru. He has so much personality.
mugumogu’s house is amazing.
(Gasp!) Maru raised a paw against Hana? Say it isn’t so..
Maru cleans his face with his meatbun.
I’ve never noticed before because of your cats, but you have a beautiful house.
Maru reasserts his authority my taking the top seat to look down upon his sisters 😸👑
I don’t give it long before he’s bought down a peg or two! 🤭