朝限定で、熱烈なトイレの出待ちをしてくれるみり。まるは、夜中のトイレだけはついてきてくれます。心強い。Only in the morning, Miri welcomes me passionately when I get out of the bathroom. Maru comes to the bathroom together only in the middle of the night. That’s reassuring.
★まるの暮らし【セブンネットショッピングオリジナル B6判特典ステッカー付】
★まるの暮らし【楽天ブックスオリジナル B6判特典ステッカー付】
★まるの暮らし 【Amazon】
#出待ち猫 #まる #みり
I love Princess Miri 😺
Miri is becoming more gorgeous every day!
Awww…I love how Mugumogu appreciates and supports Maru, Hana and Miri’s individual differences and needs. Clearly, caring for them is a labor of love. 😺😻😸
Bathroom meow is Miri asking Mugu if she’s okay… 😸😺
Miri’s face is SOOOOOOOOOO Sweet!!!! 0:17
3にゃんこ達に平等に愛情かけてるから みんな主さんのこと好きなんだね😊いつもいい顔してる。
Miri is such a good natured cat. She radiates positivity in the same way that Maru radiates serenity.
Miri is such a sweet girl.
Miri’s sweet meowing is so precious. Miri LOVES Mummy so much, don’t you sweetie? And I LOVE 💕🤗 you Sweet Sweet Miri!
Love the way Princess Hana biting and licking Mum’s finger all the while purring and playing. She grooms herself while interacting with Mum. A darling girl, our elegant Hana 😘💖.
And Maru…😘💕No amount of watching that fluffy sweetness being cared for by Mum is enough! His purring can be heard through the sound of the brush moving over that fluffyness.
Such sweethearts 💖 all three of them.🐾🐈🐾🐾🐈🐾🐾🐈🐾💘
Thank you Dear Mugumogu San!
🙏🤗💖 Feeling blessed watching your precious Kitties. Thank you!
Miri: “You _closed_ the door! You are not _allowed_ to close the door!”
Miri is so spry and nimble.
Mugu is #1 🐱 servant and it’s evident all 3 adore her.
Miri is mischievous and cute at same time 😆 Her tiny meows are sweet, but baby Maru was another lvl of cuteness 😄 Hana shows affection by licking constantly lol
Wish I knew this channel from the beginning.
Miri is so cute with the marks over her eyes and her tiny ear tufts.
3人の性格を ちゃんと把握した上での この信頼関係なのですね😊 羨ましいです😆
Miri– Morning cat
Hana– Evening cat
Maru– Chillaxing, beatnik cat who beats to his own drum and does not adhere to the circadian cycles of time.
I love the quiet morning routine with the cats. So peaceful.
Sounds like your cats have you covered: Maru’s on night patrol, and Miri handles the mornings. Anything to make sure you’re safe!
Miri is a lovely young lady.