顔がふわふわ過ぎて枕にされちゃうねこ。-Maru’s face is a very fluffy pillow.-
節分とねこ2024。-Setsubun and Cats 2024.-
こたつで丸くなるよりお外に行きたいねこ。-Maru would rather go outside than curl up in the Kotatsu.-
ふかふかのお布団でおネムになっちゃったねこ。-Cats become sleepy on the fluffy Japanese floor mattress.-
裏ボアビール箱の温かさに気づいてしまったねこ。-Cats noticed the warmth of the beer box lined with boa.-
抱っこで大音量のゴロゴロを響かせるねこ。-Maru is purring on full blast in my arms.-
書初めとねこ2024。-Cats Calligraphy 2024.-
近所の神社でお散歩なねこ。-Maru went for a walk at a nearby shrine.-