心配そうな柴犬と大盛り上がりの子猫と猫 Shiba Inu is watching the cats
柴犬とお姉ちゃん猫に引っ付いてまわる可愛い子猫と、ただ見ているのが幸せな柴犬 Cute kitten plays around with her sister cat and Shiba Inu
猫と飼い主が引っ付いてポカポカしてたら背後から子猫が♥ It ’s warm if we all come together
寒くなると猫に大人気♥柴犬のホットな柴ふ Cats snuggle up to Shiba Inu when it gets cold
警戒心が強い猫と子猫が急接近! Cat Rim and kitten snuggle up to become friends
子猫の可愛い鳴き声に飼い主、柴犬も猫姉妹もメロメロ♥ meow♥Cute kitten
子猫に突然優しくされ固まる猫 それを見守る柴犬 A cat that is happy to be kind to a kitten
用心深い先住猫もついに子猫と♥ Rim have really gotten to know kitten much better.