柴犬立ち合いのもと、先住猫リリと子猫の直接ご対面♥ Shiba Inu watches a kitten like a mother
子猫の初お風呂!その後子猫と同じ部屋に居ることに気が付かない柴犬と猫 Kitten’s first shampoo
保護子猫と先住猫の初ご対面!柴犬の気遣いに飼い主感動 Sister cat and kitten meet for the first time
先住猫と保護子猫が仲良くなるための第一歩♥ For sister cats and protective kittens to get along
甘え上手な猫リリは柴犬と猫のお世話上手♥ A cat that likes to take care
柴犬の前足の間に手を入れると落ち着く猫 tabby cat is very affectionate. snuggle up to Shibainu
超目立ち過ぎる秘密基地を見つけた猫 Cat finds a conspicuous secret base
どこに居ても柴犬がお腹を出すと猫柴ふ枕に早変わり Shiba Inu’s stomach is a cat pillow