柴ふに慣れない子猫の為にお姉ちゃん猫から柴ふのトリセツ♪ The best way to relax with Shiba Inu
お姉ちゃん猫は子猫と柴ふでのんびりしたいのに子猫はバトル一択 A kitten that wants to play and a cat that wants to relax
一人チュウチュウは好きだけどやっぱり柴犬とお姉ちゃん猫がだ~い好きな子猫 Kittens love Shiba Inu and sister
用心深い先住猫もついに子猫と♥ Rim have really gotten to know kitten much better.
甘え上手な猫リリは柴犬と猫のお世話上手♥ A cat that likes to take care
柴犬の前足の間に手を入れると落ち着く猫 tabby cat is very affectionate. snuggle up to Shibainu