大好評につき満員御礼な新ベッドとねこ。-The new cat bed is very popular and thanks for the full house.-
おやつを持ってきたサンタさんに塩対応なねこ。-Cats gave a cold response to Santa Claus who brought treats.-
箱ごと転がっちゃって拗ねブランコなねこ。-Maru tipped over with the box, so he sulked and got on the swing.-
穴にきっちりと顔をはめ込んでくるねこ。-Maru puts his face tightly into the hole.-
歯磨きがどうしても嫌でゾウさんに逃げ込むねこ。-Maru really hates teeth brushing and runs away into the elephant.-
落ち葉の庭で熱心に虫の観察をするねこ。-Maru eagerly observes a worm in the fallen leaves garden.-
上から現れてちゃっかり箱をゲットするねこ。-Maru appeared from above and got the box.-
存在感のあり過ぎるお尻で邪魔するねこ。-Maru interrupts by his too much presence butt.-