真面目に肉まんを作るねこ。-Maru makes a meat bun seriously.-


まるさんの前足を見ていたら肉まんが食べたくなったので、また作ってもらいました! Watching Maru’s paws made me want a meat bun, so I had him make it again!
Blog: https://sisinmaru.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maruhanamogu/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Maru_0524
#猫 #まる #cats


Nicole Leger

Maru made a giant meat bun to please Mummy and to share with Hana and Miri! Such a great Chef! “Now I really deserve a relaxing brushing dear Mummy!” 😸

Adriana Virginia Tramontin

Miri’s jump, Hana’s lingering in the sun, Maru’s _”facelet”_ (a bracelet for the face?), his little meat buns, the big meat bun he has kneaded, his belly hair being combed, the beautiful net swing… Everything is _”purr-fect”!_ 😊💞

まる がじゅ

ガーンなみりちゃんが笑える〜😆🧡 まるさん真面目に肉まん捏ねて疲れたのかな♡可愛い過ぎる休息😍❤️


Hana’s favorite thing in the world is her sweet Maru. Her 2nd favorite thing is basking in the sun… or eating snacks!♥️🥰😂


Miri’s leap over Maru and Hana was very impressive! 😄♥️ Maru’s meat buns are well loved by mom, and us, but the making of the big meat bun was funny because of the object Maru must hold in his teeth! 😬 📿🤣 Such a funny character. 🥰

magna czagany

Maru has a new cushion for a long time he wasn’t accepting a different one from the old flat and washed for ever favorite. The ice cream cover is new. This behavior is instinctive for a four legged boy cat from being a kitten or a 15 year old. He wants to be admired as Mugu has told us before. Miri jumping like a ballerina and losing her little mouse over the edge and squashing her ears is adorable. Hana seems to be cold these days basking in the sun or sitting Infront of the owen.



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